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The initial version of the New Judging System (JS 1.0) developed by IDSF was first used at the 2009 
GrandSlam final in Shanghai, CHI. 

VERSION 2 & 2.1
For the 2013 Grand Slam series an enhanced version (JS 2.0) was implemented. 

The Judging System 2.1 which was introduced in 2015 was updated with an  improved calcuation of points. 
WDSF Sports Director Marco Sietas authored  this PowerPoint presentation explaininf the features of the NJS2.1. In it, he takes a look at the features that make this system a great tool to assess competitive 
performances in DanceSport. 

The New Judging System 2.1 was used until mid-2017 for all Grand Slam tournaments and WDSF World 
Open competitions. 

The JS 3.0 system is an improvement of the JS 2.1. It effectively reduces the problems faced with the use of JS 2.1. This system has replaced the JS 2.1 in all WDSF competitions. 

The design intent for JS3 was to build on the intellectual property already invested in the JS2.1 system by 
considering the feedback from Adjudicators while including a mechanism that can remove "fake" scores. 

Main features
12 Judges will be grouped into 2 groups of 6 judges each.
Twice as many Adjudicator Scores (6 scores per component) will be used to calculate the results.
A median will be established from the 6 scores from each group of judges and a tolerance marking scale is used to eliminate possible manipulative scores. The tolerance range is set at 1.2 for GS/Championships and 1.5 for World Open. 

Will produce more accurate results with less possible distortions from 6 scores. 

In the 1/4 and 1/2 finals, 2 groups of judges will be assigned to judge single component combination of TQ 
(including considerations of PS) or MM (including considerations of CP). No change of judging components for the entire dance allowing judges to focus on the same criteria. 

In the group dance, judges will again judge single component combination of (TQ/PS) or (MM/CP) , this is the same as the Recall rounds. 
In Solo dance the judges will judge 2 components each, a separate score will be given for each component. 
Again with no change of assigned components for all dances, group or solo. 
Other Important Features 

Possible to calculate manually if computer fails.
The formula used is scalable for smaller competition, it is possible to operate with 10 judges. 
Chairperson will not set the judging range.
Features 0.25 marking scales derived from reduction. 0.25 should be awarded in consideration of a reduction rather then addition. For example if a couple consistently presents the qualities of a 9, with slight occasional mistake or deficiency, can be awarded an 8.75.



 By WDSF Website 




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